Why use ships when teleportation using ether magic is available?

From 7019
A representation of ether magic in the cosmos. Please note this isn't a static representation, there is a movement to the ether which doesn't seem to have a discernible pattern.

The reliance on ships for transportation, even in a universe where teleportation through Ether Magic is possible, can be attributed to several practical, strategic, and inherent limitations associated with the use of magic for long-distance travel. Here are some reasons why ships might still be necessary or preferred:

Inconsistent, moving ether-magic field

The ether field is not consistent across the cosmos. Instead, it has places of great strength and places of great sparsity. This alone limits the distance of teleportation.

Range and Capacity Limitations

  • Teleportation Range: Teleportation through Ether Magic might have range limitations, making it impractical for extremely long distances, such as those spanning multiple star systems.
  • Capacity Constraints: The amount of mass or the number of individuals that can be teleported at once may be limited. Ships, on the other hand, can transport large numbers of passengers and substantial amounts of cargo.

Energy and Resource Consumption

  • Energy Efficiency: Teleporting large objects or beings over vast distances could require significant amounts of energy, potentially making it less energy-efficient than ship travel for certain distances or cargo sizes.
  • Resource Availability: Access to the specific types of energy or resources required to perform large-scale teleportation might be limited, making ships a more viable option for regular transportation needs.

Safety and Security Concerns

  • Teleportation Risks: The process of teleportation might pose inherent risks, such as the potential for accidents, misdirected transports, or interference by external forces. Ships provide a controlled and potentially safer means of travel.
  • Security Measures: Ships can be equipped with security and defense systems to protect passengers and cargo. Teleportation might expose individuals or goods to interception or tampering by hostile entities.

Strategic and Tactical Advantages

  • Military and Strategic Use: Ships can serve strategic and tactical purposes beyond mere transportation, such as serving as mobile bases, platforms for reconnaissance, or carrying out precise military operations where teleportation might be detectable or blocked.
  • Exploration Capabilities: Ships equipped with various sensors and scientific instruments can be used for exploration and research, allowing for the direct observation and study of phenomena that might not be accessible through teleportation.

Cultural and Personal Preferences

  • Cultural Significance: Ships might hold cultural or historical significance for certain civilizations, serving as symbols of heritage, achievement, or status.
  • Personal Experience: Traveling via ship can offer experiences and perspectives that teleportation cannot, such as the journey itself, the opportunity to observe and interact with the cosmos, and the sense of adventure and discovery.

Infrastructure and Accessibility

  • Teleportation Infrastructure: The infrastructure required for teleportation (e.g., receiving platforms or relays) might not be available in all locations, especially in newly explored or remote areas.
  • Universal Accessibility: Ether Magic and the ability to teleport may not be universally accessible or mastered by all beings. Ships provide a universal means of transportation that does not require specialized knowledge or abilities.

In summary, while teleportation through Ether Magic offers incredible advantages for quick and direct travel, ships remain indispensable for a variety of practical, strategic, and experiential reasons, playing a crucial role in the transportation infrastructure of the universe.