The Navigators

From 7019
A Navigator - Jerry 002
A Navigator - Jerry 002

The Navigators

The Navigators are an elite faction within the Celestial Alliance, renowned for their unparalleled skill in reading the stars, cosmic energies, and navigating the complex flows of etheric and quantum currents. Every member of the faction is given the name Jerry, followed by a unique identifier that distinguishes them from their fellow Navigators. Their peculiar naming tradition stems from an ancient myth of a legendary navigator named Jerry, whose knowledge of the stars saved entire civilizations from cosmic disaster.


The Navigators are responsible for guiding ships, explorers, and travelers across the vastness of space with unmatched precision and expertise. Their role is absolutely crucial for the safe passage of ships through complex star systems, treacherous etheric currents, and unstable wormholes. In many ways, the Navigators are considered indispensable for long-range interstellar travel, and their guidance is sought after by everyone, from military fleets to commercial traders and deep-space explorers.

Naming Tradition

Each Navigator is named Jerry, followed by a unique identifier, such as a number or celestial coordinate (e.g., Jerry-101, Jerry-Epsilon-3, or Jerry-Delta-57). This tradition dates back millennia to the legendary figure Jerry the Eternal, a mythic figure who is said to have unlocked the secrets of cosmic navigation. It is believed that by taking on the name Jerry, each Navigator channels a part of this ancient wisdom and ensures the continued legacy of safe and successful navigation.

Specialization and Training

Navigators undergo some of the most intensive and specialized training in the galaxy. Their expertise is not limited to traditional navigation techniques but extends into the esoteric realms of reading cosmic energy flows, etheric currents, and even temporal distortions that can affect travel between star systems.

The training process takes decades and involves rigorous studies in a range of disciplines, including:

  • Astrometrics: The study of star systems, planetary orbits, and cosmic anomalies.
  • Etheric Energy Dynamics: Understanding how etheric currents flow through space and how they can be harnessed for faster or safer travel.
  • Quantum Navigation: The art of navigating through quantum space, wormholes, and other phenomena that distort time and distance.
  • Temporal Awareness: A deep understanding of time anomalies and how to navigate through areas affected by Chrono-synthetic Flux, which can warp time and space.

Each Navigator must not only master these disciplines but also develop a unique sixth sense for space travel, allowing them to "feel" the flow of space-time and guide ships through the most dangerous and unpredictable environments.

Role and Function

Navigators are responsible for mapping the safest and most efficient routes through the cosmos, often working closely with the Map Makers, another highly specialized faction within the Celestial Alliance. The Map Makers are responsible for creating the detailed star charts and cosmic maps used by the Navigators, but it is the Navigators who interpret and adapt these maps to real-time cosmic conditions.

Aboard starships, Navigators take on the role of chief pilot, but their responsibilities go far beyond simply steering the vessel. They are attuned to the subtle shifts in cosmic energy, able to read the stars and etheric flows as if they were an extension of themselves. They continuously adjust the ship's course to avoid hazards like gravitational anomalies, dark matter storms, and unstable wormholes.

Relationship with the Map Makers

Navigators and Map Makers share a close and symbiotic relationship. While the Map Makers are responsible for the creation of highly detailed and constantly updated star charts, Navigators are the interpreters of these charts. Navigators often provide feedback to the Map Makers, reporting on the ever-changing conditions of space and helping to refine maps based on new discoveries.

The two factions frequently collaborate in the planning of major expeditions, ensuring that explorers and traders have access to the most accurate and up-to-date navigational data. However, even with the best maps, only a Navigator possesses the skill to adjust routes on-the-fly in response to sudden shifts in cosmic energies.

Tools and Techniques

Navigators rely on a variety of advanced tools and instruments to assist in their work:

- Etheric Compasses: These devices detect the flow of etheric currents and provide real-time feedback on how to align the ship for maximum speed and safety.

- Quantum Sextants: Used for triangulating the ship's position relative to distant stars and anomalies, even in the chaotic environment of quantum space.

- Star Glyphs: A series of ancient, shifting symbols that appear to contain forgotten knowledge about the cosmic pathways. Navigators are trained to interpret these glyphs and use them to guide their journeys.

- Temporal Sensors: Specialized equipment that detects fluctuations in time, allowing the Navigator to avoid or compensate for temporal anomalies.

Hierarchy and Organization

The Navigators maintain a non-hierarchical structure, with each member seen as an equal contributor to the collective knowledge of the faction. There are no ranks among the Navigators, and decisions are made collectively when it comes to faction-wide matters.

However, Navigators with more experience or particularly successful track records may be sought after for high-profile or dangerous missions. Such veterans are often called upon to train new recruits or serve as advisors on complex navigation operations.

Despite the lack of formal leadership, there is a deep sense of respect and camaraderie within the faction. Navigators view themselves as part of a larger cosmic puzzle, each playing a vital role in the safe exploration and travel through the universe.

Unique Characteristics and Mystique

The Navigators are known for their almost mystical connection to space and its cosmic forces. Though their abilities are based on highly advanced science, there is an intangible quality to their work that defies complete understanding. Many believe that long exposure to the energies of space has given Navigators a kind of instinct that cannot be learned or taught.

The fact that all Navigators share the name Jerry has also given rise to legends and myths. Some say that they are part of a collective consciousness, while others believe that each Jerry is a reincarnation of the original, legendary Jerry. Whatever the truth, the faction’s unique culture has only added to their mystique.


The Navigators are widely respected across the galaxy, though their peculiar traditions and eccentric personalities can sometimes make them seem aloof or strange to outsiders. Their role is considered indispensable, and their ability to navigate even the most treacherous cosmic paths has saved countless lives.

Despite their quirks, Navigators are highly sought after by ship captains, explorers, and even military fleets who value their unmatched skill in safely guiding ships through the unknown reaches of the universe.


The Navigators are a highly specialized and skilled faction, dedicated to the art of cosmic navigation. Their deep knowledge of the stars, cosmic energies, and etheric currents has made them indispensable in the galaxy’s continued exploration and travel. Though bound by their unique traditions, including their shared name of Jerry, they are a force to be reckoned with, guiding the ships of the Celestial Alliance safely through the vast and unpredictable universe.