Elysian Fields

From 7019
Elysian farming village

Elysian Fields

The Elysian Fields is a distinct community in the year 7019, where highly educated individuals have chosen to live a simpler, technology-minimal lifestyle. Located on a serene planet in the Harmonia System, this community is known for its lush landscapes, tranquil living, and a philosophical commitment to minimalism and self-sufficiency.


Elysian Fields is designed as a sanctuary for those who, despite being well-versed in the most advanced sciences and technologies, opt for a life focused on personal development, community, and harmony with nature. This choice is not born out of ignorance or fear of technology but rather a deliberate decision to seek fulfillment and quality of life through simpler means.

Community Design

  • Architecture: Homes and community buildings in the Elysian Fields are built using sustainable materials with designs that emphasize natural light, airflow, and harmony with the surrounding environment. While minimalistic, the architecture efficiently supports comfortable living without relying on advanced technologies.
  • Agriculture: The community is self-sustaining with a focus on organic agriculture. Residents cultivate a variety of crops and maintain biodiversity, using traditional farming techniques enhanced by their knowledge of ecological and biological sciences.
  • Energy: Solar and wind energies are the main power sources, utilized only for essential functions. The community's energy philosophy is centered around minimal consumption and maximum efficiency.

Social Structure and Culture

  • Education: While the community shuns complex technology in daily life, education remains a cornerstone. Knowledge of arts, sciences, and humanities is highly valued, with a focus on teaching how these disciplines can enhance life without leading to technological dependency.
  • Community Engagement: Decision-making is deeply democratic, with all members encouraged to participate in discussions and decisions that affect communal life. There is a strong emphasis on transparency, consensus, and mutual respect.
  • Cultural Activities: Art, music, and literature flourish in Elysian Fields, with residents often engaging in cultural festivals that celebrate human creativity and intellectual achievement without digital interference.

Reasons for Simplicity

  • Philosophical Beliefs: Many residents of Elysian Fields embrace philosophies such as Stoicism, Buddhism, or Transcendentalism, which advocate for simplicity and mindfulness as pathways to a fulfilling life.
  • Quality of Life: Residents believe that a life disentangled from constant technological connectivity allows for deeper relationships, personal growth, and a healthier lifestyle.


  • The community is governed by a council elected by its members, which operates under principles of ethical minimalism, striving to ensure that governance intrudes as little as possible into personal freedoms while maintaining the common good.

Challenges and Controversies

  • Isolation Issues: The choice to minimize technology use means the Elysian Fields are somewhat isolated from broader interstellar communications and commerce, leading to challenges in emergency responses and interstellar relations.
  • Debate on Progress: Internally and externally, there are debates on whether shunning advanced technology represents a true progression for humanity or a retreat from potential advancements.

Future Prospects

Looking forward, the Elysian Fields aims to continue balancing its ideals with practical necessities, potentially serving as a model for other communities interested in exploring similar lifestyles. The community is also exploring ways to share its philosophies with the wider universe through educational exchanges and cultural outreach.