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As a taxonomic term, race defines an informal subdivision of subspecies which are physically and genetically different. However, the species Homo sapiens cannot be further subdivided into subspecies which are physically and genetically different.


These are different major species. There are thousands more species and hundreds of thousands of races.

Terrans (Human Descendants)

Silvans (Plant-Based Sentients)

Aurorans (Beings of Pure Energy)

Zentari (Amphibious Humanoids)

Gaians (Rock-Based Life Forms)

Luminauts (Light Manipulators)

Synthetix (Cybernetic Organisms)

Mycelioids (Fungus-Based Intelligence)

Chronauts (Beings who are both of time and in time)

Umbraxians (Dark Matter Entities)

Eternals (Immortal Beings)